School Staff
Mrs S MartinExecutive Headteacher
Mrs S Martin
 Trust Safeguarding Lead
Mrs C CartlidgeHead Teacher
Mrs C Cartlidge
Deputy Safeguarding, Data, Pupil Premium, Online Safety, Media
Mr M HartleyDeputy Headteacher
Mr M Hartley
Behaviour, Attendance
Mr L HodgkisonSENCO and Health and Safety Lead
Mr L Hodgkison
Mrs R HeckfordAssistant Head - English Lead
Mrs R Heckford
Mrs L FarrallSafeguarding and Pupil Welfare Co-ordinator - DSL
Mrs L Farrall
Designated Safeguarding Lead
Ms Stephanie VenablesContextual Safeguarding and Attendance Coordinator - DDSL
Ms Stephanie Venables
Mrs K YeomansTrust -SENCO
Mrs K Yeomans
Mrs N NortonTeacher - Asdan and Forest School
Mrs N Norton
Mrs N PorterTeacher
Mrs N Porter
 Careers, Humanities, Art
Mrs A ShentonPSHE Teacher
Mrs A Shenton
Mrs R ManningSpecialist Need Department Lead
Mrs R Manning
Pupil Premium
Mr L ThomassonMaths Lead
Mr L Thomasson
Mr I EversonPE Teacher
Mr I Everson
Mrs R PackTeacher & Exams Officer
Mrs R Pack
Mr A ZilichTeacher
Mr A Zilich
Miss G RudgleyYear 6 - Teacher
Miss G Rudgley
Mr C IkinTeacher
Mr C Ikin
Miss E ReesScience Teacher
Miss E Rees
Miss H LawlorDrama Teacher - Mental Health Lead
Miss H Lawlor
Ms G CorriganHLTA, Medication, First Aid and Parent Liaison
Ms G Corrigan
Mrs T StewartNurture HLTA
Mrs T Stewart
Miss P DoddHumanities Teacher
Miss P Dodd
Mrs S ThomasPOD Teacher
Mrs S Thomas
Mrs L ElliotHLTA, Assistant SENCO and Parent Liaison
Mrs L Elliot
Mrs R WilsonHLTA and Staff Governor
Mrs R Wilson
Miss E RugenHLTA and Behaviour Support
Miss E Rugen
Miss S RamseyHLTA
Miss S Ramsey
Mr A BerryHLTA
Mr A Berry
Mr L CroughtonHLTA
Mr L Croughton
Mrs C HarropHLTA - DDSL
Mrs C Harrop
Miss J HiltonHLTA
Miss J Hilton
Mr J Gadd
Mr J Robson-WestHLTA -DDSL
Mr J Robson-West
Ms S MeadowcroftTA
Ms S Meadowcroft
Miss C MooreTA
Miss C Moore
Mr F McCarthyTA
Mr F McCarthy
Mrs M BreezeTransition and Interventions Officer
Mrs M Breeze
Ms C Lofthouse,Senior Administrator
Ms C Lofthouse,
Health and Safety
Mrs N Anglin,Office Manager
Mrs N Anglin,
Ms D BakerAdministration Officer
Ms D Baker
Mr M ButterworthSite Manager
Mr M Butterworth