Vision and Values
Adelaide Heath Academy strives to create an environment that encourages all students and staff to see each day as an opportunity to succeed.
High quality teaching and learning are driven by high expectations for all and based upon our core beliefs.
School Intent:
Through a nurturing environment pupils will become:
- Independent
- Resilient
- Emotionally literate
- Effective communicators
- Successful
Adelaide Heath Academy believes:
- Every pupil at the school has the right and the responsibility to learn in a safe and supportive environment that inspires their learning
- Learning can make a positive difference to everyone’s life
- Partnerships with others will support improvement for pupils across the school and for our community
- Working together we can face any challenge
- High ambitions for all pupils and staff will achieve positive results
- Everyone can learn from a mistake when they take responsibility for putting it right
Adelaide Heath Academy will:
- Ensure that every child’s individual needs are understood and met
- Enable pupils to manage themselves so they can lead positive lives
- Provide learning opportunities that are relevant, accessible and inspirational to all pupils
- Provide a supportive and safe environment where every child will make progress academically, socially and emotionally
- Support families to be better informed in order to support their child’s learning
- Develop a reflective workplace so that all staff can perform to their full potential in order to get the best from pupils
- Have clarity and consistency of communication in all areas of school life