St John's Wood Academy

Improving the educational experiences of young people
and preparing them to be full and active citizens of society

Life at Adelaide Heath Academy Life at Adelaide Heath Academy Life at Adelaide Heath Academy Life at Adelaide Heath Academy

All pupils at Adelaide Heath Academy access a careers programme that supports pupils to make informed, realistic and intelligent decisions at the next stage of their education, employment or training.  


Careers education and guidance programmes make a major contribution to preparing young people for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life.

A planned progressive programme of activities supports them in choosing KS4 & KS5 pathways that suit their interests and abilities and help them to follow a career path and sustain employability throughout their working lives.

Adelaide Heath Academy has adopted the Careers Guidance and statutory requirements issued by the Department of Education in December 2017. We are using the Gatsby Benchmarks to assess, review and develop our Careers Education programme.

Adelaide Heath Academy offers a comprehensive and bespoke CEIAG provision for all pupils..

Click HERE to read our Strategy.

Miss April Allcock delivers impartial advice and guidance to pupil in KS3, KS4 and KS5.  There are additional meetings if pupils, parents or other staff request it. There is also additional support from the Local Authority for all pupils regarding transition,

We work closely with the Local Education Partnership and The Cheshire and Warrington Pledge.

If you have any questions about careers please contact our Careers Leader Nikki Porter at  

01565 746946

The careers section of our website has information for Pupils, Parents, Staff and Employers. We also send out termly Careers Newsletters and there is a section on our whole school School Newsletter. Careers information and news can also be accessed through our social media pages.

Pupils have access to a well stocked Careers Library which includes College and University Prospectuses and Careers Guides. 

Our Careers programme includes guest speakers, support from outside agencies, college visits, courses and careers fairs, online support and experiences. of the workplace

We aim to continue to develop our links with local employers and organisations- if you would like to work with us on careers please contact Miss Nikki Porter on

Click HERE to see our Careers Policy