St John's Wood Academy

Improving the educational experiences of young people
and preparing them to be full and active citizens of society

Life at Adelaide Heath Academy Life at Adelaide Heath Academy Life at Adelaide Heath Academy Life at Adelaide Heath Academy

Pupil Premium and Sports Premium

The Pupil Premium is allocated to children and young people who are looked after by the local authority, those who have been eligible for free school meals at any point in the last six years and for children whose parents are currently serving in the armed services.

The Pupil Premium is additional funding allocated to school's on top of the main funding that they receive. This funding is targeted at children and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds (eligible for free school meal's or in care) to ensure that they are able to benefit from the same opportunities as young people from less deprived families.  The Pupil Premium exists because data suggests that students who have been eligible for free school meals at any point in their school career have consistently lower attainment than those who have never been eligible.

 All members of staff and governors accept responsibility for 'socially disadvantaged' pupils and are committed to meeting their pastoral, social and academic needs within a caring environment.  As with every child in our care, a child who is considered to be 'socially disadvantaged' is valued, respected and entitled to develop his full potential, irrespective of need.

 The Government have not dictated to schools how to spend this money, but are clear that schools will need to employ strategies that they know will support these students to increase their attainment and diminish the difference between other pupils from the same starting point nationally.

Follow the link below for pupil premium explained for parents.

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Strategy 2024/2025

Pupil Premium Review May 2024

Pupil Premium 2023/24

Pupil Premium 2022/23

Pupil Premium 2021/22

Summary of Pupil Premium 2019/20

Pupil Premium 2020/21

Pupil Premium 2019/20

Sports Premium

Sports Premium Review 2023/24

Sports Premium 2023/24

Sports Premium 2022/23

Sports Premium 2020-21

Sports Premium 2021-22

Catch-up Funding

Catch up Funding Plan 2020/21