St John's Wood Academy

Improving the educational experiences of young people
and preparing them to be full and active citizens of society

Life at Adelaide Heath Academy Life at Adelaide Heath Academy Life at Adelaide Heath Academy Life at Adelaide Heath Academy

Curriculum Rationale and offer 




Through a nurturing environment pupils will develop the skills to become:

  • Independent
  • Resilient
  • Effective communicators
  • Emotionally intelligent
  • Successful


The Academy’s curriculum fully encompasses the National Curriculum and Ofsted framework. It provides for an expression of our own priorities such as the Arts, PE and outdoor provision.

  • Long Term Curriculum plans - outlines the themes apportioned to each year group and skills and knowledge to be gained at each stage. outlining key knowledge and vocabulary we want pupils to know and skills that should be demonstrated.
  • Assessment is recorded using key descriptors linked to knowledge, skills and understanding for each subject area.



We have created a curriculum that offers academic rigour alongside the social and emotional development of our students. Thought has been given to the frequency of subjects taught. The curriculum gives teachers sufficient time to teach and children sufficient time to learn.

For KS2, some subjects are grouped together as a theme or ‘topic’. These encompass History, geography, RE, Careers, Design, Art and Technology. Usually, Science runs alongside this theme so that cross curricular links strengthen learning. In year 7 and above History is delivered as a stand alone subject.  Students are also afforded the opportunity to take a geography qualification at KS4 where this is deemed appropriate.

Additionally, in KS4. pupils can study for external qualifications including, but not limited to:, Entry Level Certificates, Functional Skills Level 1 and 2, Vocational Qualifications and GCSE’s.

GCSE Subjects offered include Maths, English, Art, Science, PE, ICT, Sports Leadership and Design and Technology subjects.



A three-step continuous cycle is adhered to (plan, teach, assess). Teachers plan lessons based on the assessed needs of the children. Through whole school planning, subject leaders establish progressive and continuous long-term curriculum plans in their subject. This is then translated into a whole school curriculum map.

At Adelaide Heath Academy, teachers’ plans are written with clear learning outcomes and in-built progression in mind. Within each topic/theme, key knowledge is assessed frequently to ensure key knowledge is committed to pupils’ long-term memory and skills are built upon.

English and Maths are cornerstones of our curriculum. Without strong literacy skills children are unable to access other aspects of the curriculum. Reading is given a high priority and is woven through the curriculum, and in line with pupils’ EHCP’s, additional time may be dedicated to further work in English and Maths. This might include additional intervention sessions each week, booster work with teachers and teaching assistants or whole school initiatives.

All pupils have social, emotional and/or mental health needs. We therefore teach and embed British Values, social and life skills teaching and personal self-control strategies across the day.

In KS3 we promote independence and embedding of key skills by delivering the curriculum through a ‘nurture’ approach. This is largely based on primary model with one key teacher and a main classroom in each year 7 class. The pupils may move to specialist areas for some lessons such as DT and PE, but this continuity of provision and personnel provides stability and allows teachers to challenge and support pupils both academically and socially. Where appropriate we support pupils to build up the confidence and skills to move around school to different classrooms. This approach to learning is embedded for most students throughout year 8 and 9.

At Adelaide Heath Academy, a creative and enriched curriculum is a fundamental part of school life. We place great importance on the development of creative thought through Drama, PE, Sports and Outdoor Education including Forest Schools. Drama performances, enrichment lessons and educational visits to arts venues play a major part in promoting this area of the curriculum.



At Adelaide Heath Academy SRE is currently taught via PHSE (PSD on reaching KS4). Personal, Health, Social and Citizenship Education are also taught discretely and permeate the whole of the curriculum. Issues are addressed on a daily basis. We aim to give pupils the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy independent lives and become informed, active, responsible citizens. All pupils are encouraged to take part in a wide range of activities and experiences across and beyond the curriculum, contributing fully to the life of our school and communities. The school Pledge ensures that pupils gain cultural capital. We use the ASDAN CoPE Award at L1/2 to enhance and accredit pupils’ work in preparing for adult life. We are working toward the Gatsby benchmarks in Careers and all pupils in KS4 have the opportunity to access experiences of the workplace.



We adopt an assessment for learning approach to ensure key knowledge is embedded. Assessment scales are used to allow us to summarise attainment against pupil start points and feeds into accreditations. Please click HERE to view our policies including how we comply with the Equality Act 2010 and the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014.

For further information about our curriculum please contact the Headteacher:

01565 746946
